In one week's time, I will be saying goodbye to Malaysia.
Many friends who are going to study abroad soon, have started to blog about the memoirs, moments and anecdotes which are stored in their minds, and can still be retrieved until today.
I tried to remember, to reminisce and to recall, yet what appear, were not the significant milestones which I have achieved, but the happy and sweet moments which I have passed through without notice. I was surprised.
The first time I was detained and caned in the class by Cikgu Fong, my Primary BM teacher.
The first time We chased a classmate around the school compound, until my school uniform was torn (terkena the side of the windowpane,-.-).
The first time I was protected by a young gangster head in the school bus, and got lots of free snacks and, of course free seats as well. He even lent me some Misteri Naga comic books but I couldnt find him when I have finished reading them.
The first time I took a bus when I had diarrhoea. (Very bad experience, dun ask! )
The first time I made a phone call to a girl.
The first time We cracked jokes and spilled a mouthful of water in front of the teacher.
The first time I fought with a classmate.
The first time I was so happy being a class monitor for straight 2 years. (2005/06)
The first time We made surprises for teachers and friends.
The first time We debated with our English teacher about an issue.
The first time We wrote about our class, our teachers an kept those in a book.
The first time I saw unity in my classmates when the teachers asked about the book.
The first time I consoled a girl on a phone for about 2hours and it cost me a RM15 for the bill.
The first time I took an hour walk to search for a piece of one-year-old newspaper article at National Library.
The first time I took a dinner with a girl and walked her home and made a video for her birthday.
The first time Me and My Friends skipped the Physics class and went to play badminton.
The first time We laughed like nobody is around at the cafeteria.
The first time We cracked some unforgettable jokes in Ulu Sepri.
Too many first times to be brought with the luggage, which is why I choose to store them in the room. So that, when I come back, I will be able to take them out and have a look.
"We ought to keep our memories because we need them when we are alone, when we feel cold and when we fall."
P/s: I accidentally re-listened to this song. Nice one indeed.
A place I have always dreamed about. A place which I have thought that I might not be able to go, at least for now.
But, now it's happening. I am going to London, and I am finally almost there.
Things happen for a reason. And, for a person who loves scenery, I got Wilson House as my future accommodation. I can just easily overlook the spacious and picturesque Hyde Park from my room. I heard there's a sport centre nearby (wow!), as well as some Malaysian restaurants (Kebab!), and big shopping malls like Tesco and Marks and Spencer.
The drawback is, I will miss lots of fun time with friends who stay in Southwell and other Evelyn Gardens hall, as well as Southside and Beit. =(
Plus, cycling across the park amidst the morning breeze seems refreshing and awesome! =)
Just have a sneak peak on the park which I will walk through everyday. =p
This is the place, where 18months of memories were built upon. Today, after leaving it for a few months, I revisited it and I had a lot to share with you about this place.
I was told that, I will be interviewed, simply because maybe I am talkative? This is because I somehow couldnt find any valid reasons for them to interview me, when I heard these the moment I met my interviewers. A and B
"Why you find a student who is going to UK? Why not getting another high achiever who is studying in U.C.S.I currently? "
"I actually forgot about the interview already. Too many things."
Is this the way u expect when u are told u are going to be interviewed? I don't know, at least it's not within my expectation.
Overall my interviewers are quite polite, but there's one question which I find it hard to answer. I just don't know how to answer it.
"Why you prefer Imperial to U.C.S.I?"
And, when I request a financial assistance to sponsor me to take part in a student event in Prague. I debated with the VC for about 2 hours on why should U.C.S.I sponsor.
Here are some of the words worth to be remembered:
1. International event might be a crap? We wouldnt know?
2. Why would u want to choose ICL instead of U.C.S.I? (Duh again..~~)
3. We dont want to rare u already, and give away our asset to other universities. (Why sounds so P**-ish? This answer is given when i asked why no info on UCAS or US admission is given to us.)
4. Writing to express your opinion is a type of leadership. To link with other people is another type. We only look into the latter. (Now I know when a person wana say NO to you, any kind of reasons will be given .)
5. Why you kept on picking up something good from other colleges? (Takkan, I ought to praise U.C.S.I?)
6. If the President of Student Council or the President of CCS asked, I would recommend them. But you did not hold any positions in our clubs. (Does Alvls student stand a chance to run, given that there are so many degree students? And, does that mean a President from your club is eligible to take part in the IYLC? Oh my..)
Well, I was seriously speechless when I walked out from the place. And, as I recalled the whole interview process, I felt so familiar. The way they spoke, and the reasons they put up, were just like the mentality of certain people in our country.
I heard that renovations are currently being done in this place. Even an elevator is built from ground floor of block B straight up to computer lab.
But isnt this looked like our country? We have top-class infrastructures, but human capitals managment?
Nevermind, sometimes we need to walk out of the box if the box doesnt want to move.
Heavy rain in the morning. Just woke up and felt like going back to sleep again.
Therefore, to kill boredom, I went to buy the 1Malaysia first day cover. I admit that I am not an avid stamp/ first day cover collector, but still the first day cover is quite attractive.
So this is the first day cover.
And this is the miniature sheet which costs me RM5. It's like a hologram with a 3D-effect.
Well, u see, somehow, this reminds me of the degree of patriotism issue which occurs every year without fail. There are so many ways to show it, but some just insists on waving the flag is the only method to show; while some even thinks that we should just keep quiet in order to be patriotic.
I buy 1Malaysia first day cover-wor. I support Barangan Buatan Malaysia-lar. At least I walk my talk, better than some who just leaves shoutouts as shoutouts, or keep slogans as slogans.
U see, that's the problem. Here, we need to show people our love. We can't just store it deep inside our heart.
However, we have to make sure one thing. Our love is towards our country, which doesn't switch name every 5 years.
Here I wish, Hari Merdeka, Malaysia! =)
Is that patriotic? Yea, perhaps not. Because I didnt wave my flag. =p