20 July 2012

The Paradox of Crowd

Coming out from the tube station, walking towards the crowd, feeling like a small fish in a big pond, swimming across the lonely souls.

The more people you meet, the more lonely you are.

Getting down the stairs, to the basement of the heart. You begin to wonder, how she feels and how she thinks.

Like a soulful briefcase, waiting for the light across the road to turn green.

Rows of coffee shops, brewing the closing eyelids. Standing by the counter, reminds you of the virtual coffee breaks, which you drank over the words on the instant messaging space.

Call me insane, finding words and emotions amidst the numbers and pie charts. That's exactly how it is. You need the night to see the moon, and touch the cold to feel the warmth.

There ain't a dream that built on a pile of cash and coins. Cause a dream is like your sweetheart that sweeps off your feet.

Are you brave enough to kiss your dreams?      

03 July 2012

夏天里的雨季· Summer Internship 的起跑点



那地下铁(Underground Tube), 就像去年我每天都会准时去搭的LRT一样。每天都要求神拜佛,不要那么多人挤进来,否则,那半小时的火车路程,就够痛苦了。


这里的工作环境,拥有着数不尽的挑战;你身边的summer interns, 都几乎曾经在大银行里做过暑假工, 如 Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley 或 BoA Merrill Lynch 。你的上司(line manager) 和他的朋友,都曾经身历金融界的大事件。

一个,当年在纽约华尔街(Wall St)的 Morgan Stanley 里做工,亲眼目睹Lehman Brothers 倒下的那一刻;另外一个当年在Barclays里上班时,有份参与收购Lehman Brothers的买卖。

这些人,也算是应了 “成也银行家,败也银行家” 这句话。

前几天,在那暑假工的迎新日里,才发现一个很震惊的数据。人事部( HR)告诉我们,今年的录取率是历年新低,从大约5000位里选出60多位。低下头算了算,录取率都不到2%;这公司还要从这群学生里遴选 first-year analyst。


有位学生在面试里,为了得到这份工,信誓旦旦说 “I am up for any challenge”。


她便说, “我没有这方面的经验。”




