29 September 2008

Top 10 Forbes Billionaires of the Year 2008

Warren Buffett
Origins: USA
Age: 77
Wealth: USD620 billion

Carlos Slim Helu
Origins: Mexico
Age: 68
Wealth: USD600 billion

Bill Gates
Origins: USA
Age: 52
Wealth: USD580 billion

Lakshmi Mittal
Origins: India
Age: 57
Wealth: USD450 billion

Mukesh Ambani
Origins: India
Age: 50
Wealth: USD430 billion

Anil Ambani
Origins: India
Age: 48
Wealth: USD420 billion

Ingvar Kamprad
Origins: Sweden
Age: 81
Wealth: USD310 billion

KP Singh
Origins: India
Age: 76
Wealth: USD360 billion

Oleg Deripaska
Origins: Russia
Age: 40
Wealth: USD280 billion

Karl Albrecht
Origins: Germany
Age: 88
Wealth: USD270 billion

07 September 2008

It's Too Late to Apologise

It's too late to apologise. Really, it's too late.

I was listening to the song composed by One Republic, whilst reading a piece of article on The Stars, about the recent racist remark by Ahmad Ismail. (Don't know who is him? Yea, he shouldn't be that well-known after all..^^)

Never mind, as a responsible and rational blogger, I think I should talk about him a little. Well, he is nothing more than a typical inconsiderate and brainless politician. An UMNO leader(is he one?)-Bukit bendera UMNO chief.

He made a statement on Aug 23, (I am not putting words into his mouth), that the Chinese are squatters or immigrant or pendatang . Then, he disappeared in thin air. When he came back, he tried to deny his words, by giving an unreasonable excuse-that the statement is made merely because he is pointing out the status of the Chinese during pre-merdeka period.

However, maybe he has forgotten about this. Let me do the job of reminding him. Our country has just celebrated the 51st National Day on Aug 31. All the races have walked through hard and happy times for half a century. Wonder why would he mentioned something long time ago? (Weird, huh?)

And now, after stating a such controversial remark, he doesn't even plan to say sorry, but instead,he points his fingers towards the media. From here, we could see, he is hardly a leader, or even a responsible normal being.

While all the politicians are trying their best to overcome the racial problems, inequalities of sharing in economy and education, and public resentment, this man is ruining up everything by just using his words.

How could UMNO still accept his apology, oh no, i forgot, his "well-prepared" and "nicely-phrased" explanation, I should say. This is totally ridiculous. Frankly speaking, from pre-merdeka period until now, the Chinese is the pillar of our nation economy. Without the Chinese, Malaysia economy might still stagnate, and at the most deal with the lembu and kerbau, or the bayam and ubi.

I really couldn't figure out why he would make such a nonsensical and meaningless statement. To gain support from the radical Malays? To be well-known for the coming General Assembly of UMNO?

This is just a person's remark. It has raised up the dissatisfaction and anger of the Chinese. And how about, BTN(Biro Tatanegara)? Have you heard before?

Well, BTN is an organization or more precisely a governmental department. It's role is to brainwash our young brilliant brains(I mean the JPA scholars) before they leave for overseas.

For your information, i received an email of a resentful mother sharing about what's her daughter undergoing while attending the JPA briefing.

The bumi-s and the non-bumis are separated during the briefing session. They will tell the scholars that the non-bumis are merely immigrants (they seem to have forgotten that the Malays are actually from Yunan province as well). The non-bumis should be thankful and be contented of having the rights to earn a living on this land-Malaysia. A land where we now begin to doubt its maturity level of thinking and the advancement level it can reach by 2020.

They were even being told that they shouldn't complain about the ratio of 90:10 for the JPA Overseas Scholarship. They shouldn't agree with the proposal of opening 10% of the seats for non-bumis in UiTM.

Every year there are thousands over students being brainwashed in such a ridiculous way. And, there are thousands more to come next years. The government should realise about this and the consequences of getting this going on. But, any action has been taken?

As usual, none at all.

How are we going to expect our nation to become the economy and education hub of Asian regions when many out there are still living in the lullaby entitled "Ketuanan Melayu"?

What can we foresee in the next 10 years? A developed nation as promised? or a nation devastated by some wrong perceptions or ideologies uphold by the radical ones?

01 September 2008


2007年,SPM成绩放榜。 成绩满意之际,梦想放大了。申请的奖学金,个个石沉大海,音讯全无。对JPA的期望,也是那个时候开始失望。

2008年,仍然考着A水平。 参与了大马学生领袖峰会,认识了一些朋友。 突然之间,埋藏在心底的梦想,再次被唤醒。 原来,人生并不是那么悲观的。 原来,要实现梦想,是要经过一些磨炼的。 没有人的梦想,能够在弹指之间,实现的。有的话,也是异常幸运,命运超好的。

可是,十字路口,总是阶段性的出现,事隔1年,一切的犹豫、彷徨,再次浮现眼前。人家告诉我去申请英国大学,但必须通过UCAS。UCAS是什么东西? 如何申请? 到底什么时候是截止日期?如何撰写Personal Statement?这一切,必须一人包办。 去找Uni Ed 或者MABECS,原来还有很多手续。 有位朋友找了我,建议我去放胆搏一搏去申请Cambridge 或者Oxford。看了看手续费,大概需要RM400多左右。我又彷徨了。

上网去找了很多关于奖学金的资讯。 我也感到欣慰,原来有许多肯协助学弟妹的学长。我也电邮了Tony Pua,他也介绍了我去看他的网站。他分享了一些申请的方式,在Oxford几年的生活点滴,及一些鼓励的忠告。

这一次,回到家,看见父母俩的白发,似乎多了很多。不知是我眼花,抑或是时间的催促。突然,感觉得到,他们为了我的教育经费,折腾了那么多年。 当年选择报读A水平,已经花了一笔钱。我想,若成绩真的不达到我的目标,真的白费了他们的心机。 回想一年前,就因为以为SPM的成绩算不错了,以为能够申请奖学金,一圆出国留学的美梦,并且可以减轻他们的负担。怎知,事与愿违。但愿,今次,不再会历史重演。

不过,我再也不会像上一次那样怨天尤人。 因为,现在的我深信,只要肯努力,只要肯低头,只要肯开口,只要脸皮厚一些,崎岖的梦想路,应该可以被开辟的!
