25 July 2011

Ashamed to be a Malaysian

This is probably the first time in my life, felt so shameful for being a Malaysian.

I was in the KTM this afternoon, heading towards Mid Valley to meet up with my Imperial friend. And, the KTM was as packed as usual.

After a couple of minutes, i managed to squeeze myself in. At this moment, I saw a Singaporean uncle, pressing his chest and gasping for air.

He asked weakly, "why is it that the train is so packed, yet the door is not closed yet? And why do people keep pushing in?"

When I got down at the Midvalley station, he got down as well although it's not his destination. He could hardly breathe in that environment. I brought him to a bench to sit down and rest.

He told me that he was having a minor heart attack, but nobody was paying him any attention.

I just stood there, doing nothing but just saying sorry to him.

However, he still tried to put a smile on his face, saying "thank you, young man. I can deal it myself", despite the excruciating pain he was enduring.

Sometimes, we tend to forget that people who need help the most, might not be the one who shouts the loudest.

Morals and civic consciousness, where art thou?

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