First 3 papers. 3 down, 6 more to go.
The first 2 were still fine. Today is the real challenge, and I finally can see how hard a test could be.
I sighed and prayed that it will turn out well. =/
It has been a while since I last typed a post in English, for I always think that only Chinese can weave my emotion perfectly in words.
Saw a quote somewhere, "We always stare at the frame and forget about the picture."
A nice one, indeed, especially at this moment. I just know that after the finals, I am not going to stare at any frames.
I am going to
lie on the lawn and play with the kids in Hyde Park, enjoying the fun of being followed by some cute puppies, and not Rottweilers.
I am going to
kiss the rain in the midnight, while strolling along Edgware Road. 9 months are sufficient enought to make me miss this place. Some said you miss a place because you have grown dependance towards it, while I say, this place has given me many nice memories, especially Satay House and MSN.
I am going to
keep my feet away from the library and wash away the stinky silence and pressure.
I am going to
fly to the moon, and admire the clouds, knowing that 13 hours later I will reach a place, where I called home.
Daydreaming~~ *2 more weeks!* =)