16 October 2009

Lectures Blue~

It's Friday! And on Saturday, I will be going to Belgium with a bunch of Malaysian gang.

This first week of lectures, has really opened my eyes wide. The lecturers really expects alot from you. They just threw you whole lots of new things, new terms, and wished that you can catch up by your own.

Maybe UCSI didnt really prepare me well. Or, maybe I was quite slacked off in UCSI. I didnt take up Further Math during my A-levels, and now I am trying so hard to understand a topic within a short period of time.

Perhaps, just like what my friend used to say when he went to MMU.


to sign off, i end up with some poetic lines,

脸上, 展露出,


g_yean_i said...

Same! and the lecturers tend to go super fast and expect us to have known all those they teach! have to do pre-read and revision!

Corrinne The Great said...

u'll be going to belgium!?!?
how nice!!
have fun!

Unknown said...

You didn't take up further maths? I have got a conditional offer from ICL with further maths A but I got a B instead.
Do you mind to share what grades you got to enter ICL? I want to see what are the typical grades for admission and might consider an appeal.