07 March 2010

Untitled #2

No title will be given, as the content will be a summary of my random thoughts.

-Is reaching to the stars, far more better than lying on the ground and observing them at night?

I have been dreaming to study in London since secondary school. There are many unexpected roadblocks, detours, or even obstacles in the middle of the pathway in achieving that dream.

And now, here I am.

I know where did I come from. I know how did I make it. But, where should I go from here? How should I go from here?

People always say, persistent will bring you to your goal. However, when you hold on a cup of water for a very long time, your hand will feel tired and pain.

When persistent is just a word to keep the motivation going, you know it's time to rest.

Being on the peak of the hill is fulfilling, yet it's a lonely path to get up there.

To quote a friend's facebook status. "If you want to go high, go alone; if u want to go far, go with many people."

Simplicity is actually not simple at all.

Any minutes spent to plan for the future, is any minutes lost for embracing the present.

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