30 November 2009


Yesteday was my first night in the uni library. It was cool and exciting as there were not many people around. I can practically print or photocopy anytime I like.

I have never thought that Uni life is meant to be such, or maybe I am just giving myself some extra unnecessary pressure. A non-assessed test is driving me crazy here! But back in Alvls, I couldnt be bothered to study for any class tests. I went out for mamak, with Naan Cheese and Kopi panas in the middle of the night. Plus, overlooking Genting from the peak of a mountain near a friend's house. Oh, those were the good old days..lol

Today, I went to Malaysian Hall and had lunch and dinner there. I met some old friends, like Jason and Yinhui. While at the same time, I met some new acquaintances like Vincent, Li Ching and WaiShan. Well, pray hard we all can get the Junior Executive position and we can hang out more often! haha...=))

Tuesday is my Christmas Test, and yet I am still not finished in revising all the subjects. =((..

Till then, people..

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