31 October 2010






21 October 2010


The weather is getting colder, even on a sunny day.

October is about to end soon, while at the same time many have turned into 20.

And, today, it's the Graduation Day.

They have studied here for 3-4 years and now they left. I wondered how they feel, at the moment when they step out of this university.

Now, I am in the second year.

A year has passed, and now, I have 2 more years to go.

Everyday, I will walk through the Falmouth Gate. And, every single day, it reminds me of how I get into here, and how to get out from here.

While I was thinking, a gentle breeze kissed the tree, and the maples leaves fell into the arms of the girl in front of me.

Life is what beyond Falmouth Gate. Life is wonderful when you stop by to enjoy.

14 October 2010

New term. New breath.

#Rule 1: If you abandoned your blog for more than 2 weeks, that can only mean one thing: your life is dry.

Term has just started. Stepping into Year 2 of EEE, looking at the 1st year juniors, they are so worried. They get panicked. They borrow logbooks from us.

Some of them even foresee themselves to fail the year on the very first day of lecture.

Everything is so familiar. I can see myself in their eyes.

Things that cant beat you down, will only make you stronger.

I cant believe I told them that as the term goes by, more and more surprising, new. and unexpected tasks will be waiting for them. And, if you dont understand a thing in the lecture halls, it's completely normal.

In a year's time, I have learnt to see things from a more positive perspective. The lecturers just throw everything and you will try your best to pick up as much as possible. Those that you cant pick up now, doesnt mean that you cant pick up later.

In this university, aptitude and diligence are the two main qualities that separate one from another. And, you clearly know that which can be worked on.

Calm sea never makes strong sailors. I totally agree with it. However, it doesnt harm if you choose to rest at the harbour, after a long and treacherous ride on the waves. =)

"Luck doesnt travel in hopes; luck travels through endless nights of persistence."